FBC Leadership
"Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory."
— 1 Peter 5:1–4 ----
Gregg Dennison Pastor/Elder
Gregg holds a bachelor’s degree from Colorado State University in mathematics and education as well as a Master's of Divinity from The Master's Seminary in Sun Valley, California. Upon graduation from seminary in 2004, Gregg moved back to Colorado to pursue his greatest passion, namely church planting. Along with this passion, he has a desire to teach and apply God’s Word in order to encourage God’s people in their progress and joy in the faith, and to train up godly men in the local church for the purpose of giving it stability and longevity. Gregg came to faith in the mountains of Colorado in his early 20s. He and his wife Kari married in 1996 and have been blessed with three children. From 2005 to 2010, Gregg was involved in church planting in Cañon City, Colorado. Gregg also served at an Evangelical Free Church teaching John MacArthur's Fundamentals of the Faith. Gregg has been serving as the pastor of Faith Bible Church of Spearfish since August of 2011.
Joe Stahl Elder
Joe attended Bible college in Bozeman, Montana and Front Range Bible Institute in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Joe married Jayni in 2010 and they have been blessed with three boys and one daughter. Joe has served in various capacities in the church since the inception of Faith Bible Church in 2011, including youth ministry, holding the office of deacon, preaching/teaching, as well as teaching and coordinating Children's Sunday School. Joe desires to serve the church wherever his help is useful and enjoys teaching the Bible in order to instruct, mature, and build up the body of Christ. He came to faith as a teenager and has desired to follow the Lord since. Joe's passion is serving in the local church and helping to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Joe is thankful for the Lord's providence and grace in his life and desires to see all people come to faith in Christ through the preaching of the Gospel.
Jeff Sleep Elder
Jeff Sleep was born and raised in Spearfish, SD. After receiving a BS in Agricultural Business from SDSU in 1990, Jeff returned to the family ranch near Spearfish with his wife Jodi. They have been blessed with three children, two of whom are members at FBC along with their spouses, as well as several grandchildren. Jeff is very thankful how the Lord worked in his life after college and brought him to repentance. Jeff has ministered at Faith Bible Church since its inception in 2011 in various ways including preaching/teaching, holding the office of deacon, leading Bible studies, and assisting in the oversight of the church finances. Jeff enjoys serving in the local church and seeing peoples lives transformed through the saving power and grace of the Gospel.
Brice Johnson Elder
Brice attended Black Hills State University in Spearfish, South Dakota and graduated in 2007. In 2006 he married Jessica and they have been blessed with two daughters. Brice came to saving faith in Christ during high school. God has continued to grace Brice with a greater understanding of Him throughout the years. Brice currently serves the church by way of leading worship, teaching children's Sunday school, and helping the church in various capacities so to foster the growth of Christ's church. FBC has been a tremendous blessing to Brice and his family and considers serving and offering oversight to the body of believers at Faith Bible Church a privilege.
Frank Cortez Deacon
Frank has served the local church and has been a committed follower of Christ since 1989. By God’s
grace and sovereignty, He responded to the Gospel as a young adult and has devoted his life to
love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. He has lived in the Spearfish area since 1993 and has been married to his wife Nicki since 1981. Frank has two married adult children and four wonderful granddaughters. He became a member of FBC in 2019 and the Lord has gifted and enabled Frank in serving the various needs of the body of Christ since. He currently works for Lawrence County as a Maintenance/Light Equipment Operator. He is blessed to be a part of the church leadership in support of the ministry at Faith Bible Church.
Frank has served the local church and has been a committed follower of Christ since 1989. By God’s
grace and sovereignty, He responded to the Gospel as a young adult and has devoted his life to
love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. He has lived in the Spearfish area since 1993 and has been married to his wife Nicki since 1981. Frank has two married adult children and four wonderful granddaughters. He became a member of FBC in 2019 and the Lord has gifted and enabled Frank in serving the various needs of the body of Christ since. He currently works for Lawrence County as a Maintenance/Light Equipment Operator. He is blessed to be a part of the church leadership in support of the ministry at Faith Bible Church.
Jacob Smith Deacon
Jacob was born and raised in western South Dakota and has been married to his wife Codi since 2012. He was saved by grace in 2012 while living in Alaska where he attended college. After living in Alaska then North Dakota for a time, Jacob, with his wife Codi, along with their three children, moved back to South Dakota in 2021 to be a part of Faith Bible Church. Jacob serves the church by way of children's ministry, the sound booth, and various other capacities as needs arise. He is humbled by God's grace in his life and is privileged to serve the local body of Faith Bible Church.
Jacob was born and raised in western South Dakota and has been married to his wife Codi since 2012. He was saved by grace in 2012 while living in Alaska where he attended college. After living in Alaska then North Dakota for a time, Jacob, with his wife Codi, along with their three children, moved back to South Dakota in 2021 to be a part of Faith Bible Church. Jacob serves the church by way of children's ministry, the sound booth, and various other capacities as needs arise. He is humbled by God's grace in his life and is privileged to serve the local body of Faith Bible Church.